You are gambling with your life every second of every day. ⤴️
The story you tell yourself about certain actions informs your perception of their risk. I will call this the narrative. ⤴️
Because you make more money being long than short, optimism will win over pessimism during the cycle. It’s just how the human brain is wired. ⤴️
The better and more concise the story, the faster it will spread. ⤴️
Our job is to ascertain which project has the best probability of success given the story vertical. ⤴️
I would rather invest in a token with a perceived probability of success of 0.01% that has a story in the growth phase of virality than a token with a perceived probability of success of 50% but has a story that has reached the common knowledge phase. ⤴️
But the only way to 100x my money with a token that has a perceived probability of success at 50% is that the actual results, in whatever format is relevant to that project, are so amazing that growth comes from observed results rather than a rising perception of future success. ⤴️